Bucky Book 2023 Orders


2023-24 Bucky Book are available!
Save over the year and support BKE PTO
events like the teacher’s wish list this year!



The Bucky Book contains hundreds of 50% OFF and 2 FOR 1 coupons at 300+ businesses!

There are two options for getting your Bucky Book.  At any BKE event, like the Fall Family Festival, we’ll have a table where you can buy a Bucky Book for $35 directly from us by:

Or, you can buy online and have shipped anywhere. Be sure to use the BKE PTO page so that we get the credit (https://www.buckybook.com/brooklyn-pto)

Below are what we feel is the “Cream of the Crop” coupons and categories in the Bucky Book where any one or two of which will PAY FOR YOUR BOOK… then there’s $1,000s more 50% OFF coupons to save with through September!

Click here for a list of individual merchants and their coupons.